January 9, 2012

why I use GPTs

so I figured I'd do a blog on using GPT (get paid to) sites.  I use several of them.  I don't use all of them on a daily basis, some I only use a couple times a week but I am a firm believer in every little bit adds up.  basically GPT sites have you do different things and they reward you with virtual currency that can then be exchanged for things like gift cards or items.  the things they have you doing vary from site to site.  some offer lots of things to choose from like searching, offers, tasks and surveys and some are more basic and only have offers and the like.  so I will do a quick run-down on my faves, highlight my fave parts of them and whatnot.

Swag Bucks - this is my first love of GPT sites!  it has more to do than any other site.  it has searching, offers, videos, surveys, tasks, coupons, daily points, codes and games plus shopping options too!  I use this one more than any other site and can make anywhere from $25 to $125  month there.

iRazoo - this one is the most like Swag Bucks.  it doesn't have it all but has a lot of it.  I don't prefer this one though so I basically only do searches and videos there but even at that I am able to pull off at least $5 a month or more, generally more.

ZoomBucks - this one is again, very similar.  I only use this one for the dailies and occasional task.  I still average about $5 paypal a month doing just that.

InstaGC - this one has instant payouts which is really nice and you can cash out at $1 for an amazon gift card!  this site has all offers.

SuperPoints - this one is good if you have referrals...  I don't have referrals.  but it's a button that you push for points plus they have offers and videos too.  if you wanna join, just let me know and I'll get you a token to let you in ^.^

Calyp - I like this one a lot.  I just joined but so far it's pretty awesome!  basically you're endorsing different companies by posting their ads on FB or twitter.  then you get paid when people click on the ads and go on to view the website or whatever associated with it.  once you hit $25 they will send a card that the money gets loaded onto twice a month.  I haven't made it there yet but I'm close!

Mturk aka Amazon Mechanical Turk - this one is tasks, tasks and more tasks!!  I love it!  some of the tasks are so easy and fun to do and they pay out better than other sites in general.   best day ever was around $10 in a couple hours one evening while also doing other things.  this one you can get cash or amazon money.  I go amazon.

HillybillyClickers - this one I don't use much but when I do it's been worth it.  I was able to cash out little over $5 in paypal in november and then just under $5 in december and I only used it a few days a month.  this site is all offers and does really take some getting used to but eh, it pays so that's all that really matters to me.

GoodSearch - this one is not a GPT but I like this one so I'm mentioning it!  it will donate money to your selected charity for searches and shopping done online!  I make sure to search there a few times a day for my charity of choice.

so there's the itty bits on several GPT sites I use.  but here's the real why I use them...  we're broke here!  seriously...  we live in a smaller area where people think that you should fix their car and let them drive it even if they can't pay for it >.<  so, by me doing this we're able to afford things that would have been hard otherwise, like diapers for my 15 month old!  these sites have been the only thing keeping our heads above water the last few months.  is it any wonder I love them!?

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